

财新见习记者 林景熙 2012年02月17日 17:04


  伊夫·泽诺(Yves Zenou),斯德哥尔摩大学经济学教授,并在瑞典工业经济研究所担任高级研究员。他的研究领域包括:社会互动及网络理论、城市经济学、对少数族裔的隔离及歧视问题、犯罪行为和教育。伊夫·泽诺还担任过英国南安普顿大学经济学教授,以及加州大学伯克利分校、欧洲大学学院和特拉维夫大学客座教授。参与了世界银行首任驻华代表林重庚和诺奖得主迈克尔·斯宾塞牵头的“十二五”规划研究项目。





  Housing policy in china, I think china moved too fast from plan economy to market economy. One big problem china is facing now is the rise of poverty, because of the housing policy in china. So i think housing policy should now be focusing more on social housing and and social problems to help the poor.





  A lot of countries have implemented housing policy and social policy, but of course, we have to be very careful with quality. Quality is very important. So if we go through housing policy for support, we have also to develop the quality of the housing. Now i think for china, one of the problems is that there is lot of housing of very bad qualities, especially for the migrants here. And i think if we do social policy we should either destroy and reconstruct or innovate (renovate?) this kind of area.





  That’s a complicated issue, because exact balance is not easy. As I saw this morning, some countries like Spain for example, a huge amount of them have rentship, but no social housing. other countries have both. So the balance is very complicated. Because ownership tends to favor rich people, the negative aspect is that it creates also immobility of the people. The social housing is good, but it also forces people to be somewhere. So there’s a trade of ,but it’s difficult to say, 60--40 I don’t know, I think the two policies should be complemented, so we do it together.





  Yes, so we know from experience that the housing market is not perfectly competitive, because of lots of restrictions, there’s transaction cost, the searching affection so on and so forth. So I think for me, the government should intervene, because the market does not run perfectly. I know in the US, there’s a lot of views that we should not intervene, but I think the gov. should intervene, because the market is not functioning well. And when we see all the pocket of poverties, and all the friction, we see that it’s not working well. And for example, mobility is very difficult. Some people are stuck in some area, and housing gets very important for them to move to new areas.





  Ok, so this is a complicated issue, but I think we all should look at the fundamentals of the economy. So it should be coordinated between the fundamentals and the housing price. And the second also, we need to look at the expectation of the people. so for example, one thing which is a good indication is how the gov. is setting the interest rate of the mortgage. So for example, if u increase interest rates, then price is gonna go down, because people are gonna buy less and less. If u reduce interest rates, then price’s gonna go up. So this is very important, but the bubble is very difficult to know in China. Because as long as economy like here is growing, as long as there’s growing GDP, I don’t think it’s a bubble. Now of course if u have stagnation of the economy, and housing price soaring, then the bubble is more likely to explode.





  So if the bubble exists, it’s very risky, because it will explode, and u don’t want that. So I think it’s really a problem of monetary policy. So it’s really a problem of playing with interest rate. u really have to play with that , because u want to change the expectations from the people, u want people to change expectations, so the prices go down. So what u have to do is everything for the price to go down. So one way is to change the interest rate, and that’s right, for example.


责任编辑:王嘉鹏 | 版面编辑:冯仁可

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